Latest News Fri, 10 May 2019 10:00:00 GMT en-us Hawaii Baptist boys take home Boys Golf Championship title; Jake Sequin of Mid-Pacific is the Individual Champion HHSAA GOLF Hawaii Baptist boys take home Boys Golf Championship title; Jake Sequin of Mid-Pacific is the Individual Champion Posted (Fri) May 10, 2019 In the 2019 HHSAA/David S. Ishii Foundation Boys Golf Championships on Thursday and Friday, Hawaii Baptist and Jake Sequin of Mid-Pacific took home team and individual championship titles... more HHSAA GOLF

Hawaii Baptist boys take home Boys Golf Championship title; Jake Sequin of Mid-Pacific is the Individual Champion

Posted (Fri) May 10, 2019
In the 2019 HHSAA/David S. Ishii Foundation Boys Golf Championships on Thursday and Friday, Hawaii Baptist and Jake Sequin of Mid-Pacific took home team and individual championship titles... more ]]>
Fri, 10 May 2019 10:00:00 GMT
Waiakea wins the team championhip title; Leia Chung of Leilehua is the individual champion HHSAA GIRLS GOLF Waiakea wins the team championhip title; Leia Chung of Leilehua is the individual champion Posted (Wed) May 8, 2019 In the girls golfs championship at the Waikoloa Kings Course on Wednesday, Waiakea won the team championship title with score of 458; Leia Chug of Leilehua won the individual championship title with score of 145... more HHSAA GIRLS GOLF

Waiakea wins the team championhip title; Leia Chung of Leilehua is the individual champion

Posted (Wed) May 8, 2019
In the girls golfs championship at the Waikoloa Kings Course on Wednesday, Waiakea won the team championship title with score of 458; Leia Chug of Leilehua won the individual championship title with score of 145... more ]]>
Wed, 08 May 2019 10:00:00 GMT