HHSAA Concussion Awareness and Education
Extracurricular activities, such as athletics are important part of a student’s education and development. However, when participating in these athletic activities there is an inherent risk of injury. The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention has reported that 1.6 to 3.8 million concussions occur annually. Hawaii’s Department of Education reported an increase in the number of reported concussion from school year 2007-08 (213) to school year 2010-11 (446). Studies have indicated that concussions are unreported by many athletes for a variety of reasons, fear of losing playing time; don’t want to disappoint teammates and coaches; not knowing they sustain a concussion.
The Hawaii High School Athletic Association (HHSAA) is committed to educating student athletes, parents, coaches and game officials about the seriousness of concussions, along with the proper management, and care of this potentially debilitating injury. The HHSAA, DOE and Hawaii Athletic Trainers Association encourage all student athletes, parents, coaches and game officials to utilize the follow concussion information to improve their knowledge and awareness of concussions.
Ross Oshiro, MS, ATC, CSCS DOE Athletic Health Care Trainer Coordinator
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