2021 Honolulu Marathon cross country CHAMPIONSHIPS
Hawaii Prep
COVID-19 Vaccine/Testing Requirement for State Tournaments
In order to participate in a state tournament event, student-athletes and coaches must be: - Fully vaccinated*;
- Present
a negative antigen or PCR COVID-19 test taken through a CLIA certified
laboratory or under an approved CLIA Certificate of Waiver within 72
hours of the contest (home based tests will not be accepted)**; OR
- Following
a COVID-19 diagnosis, present a written documentation from their
medical provider that includes: (1) at least 10 days have passed from
the date of the first positive test; (2) the student-athlete remains
asymptomatic and without known exposure to COVID-19; AND attesting that
the student-athlete is medically cleared.
*Fully vaccinated = 2 weeks following either: 2 doses of Moderna or Pfizer vaccine; or 1 dose of Johnson and Johnson vaccine.
**For tournaments lasting longer than one day, each
game/match will be a separate contest. E.g. for volleyball matches on
Monday and Friday, a student-athlete would need 2 separate negative
Video from 2021 Girls Cross Country Championships
Posted (Sat) December 4, 2021
Punahou girls and Izzy Ford of Punahou are the champions of the 2021 Cross Country team and individual records. For the division II, Hawaii Baptist took the title... more
Scenes from 2021 Cross Country Championship
Posted (Sat) December 4, 2021
Watch the video from 2021 Boys Cross Country in action! Punahou boys captured the boys team championship title, and Kaimana (Jared) Cantere of Maui High took the individual record. Hawaii Baptist is the team champion of division II... more
HHSAA Updates Fall State Championship Participant and Fan Regulations As a result of State and County Changes
Posted (Thu) December 2, 2021
As a result of changes to state and county COVID-19 restrictions, the HHSAA adjusted its participant and fan regulations as follows... more
HHSAA State Championship Fan Regulations
Posted (Fri) November 19, 2021
The Hawaii High School Athletic Association welcomes the return of state championships in almost two years... more
OIA | 64
| 65
ILH | 46
| 47
BIIF | 46
| 38
MIL | 32
| 38
KIF | 12
| 12
TOTAL | 200 | 200 |
as of 11/9/21
• Mandatory coaches meeting on Friday, December 3, 4pm at the Rutgers Tennis Center (next to HPA Gym)
• REVISED 12/2/2021: Spectators must be fully vaccinated for COIVD-19
or present a negative antigen or PCR COVID-19 test taken through a certified
CLIA certified laboratory within 48 hours; and must wear a mask at all times while at the Hawaii Preparatory Campus. Spectators will be asked to show their COVID-19
Vaccination Card or a picture of it along with a photo ID at the entrance gate.